同學的得獎作品展於柴灣港鐵站內的「港鐵社區畫廊」 GNHD is an international educational program from the United States, which is designed to inspire students’ interest in natural science and history outside the classroom and to connect students with their peers around the world. GNHD is an international educational program from the United States, which is designed to inspire students’ interest in natural science and history outside the classroom and to connect students with their peers around the world. 同學的得獎作品展於西灣河港鐵站內的「港鐵社區畫廊」 「別再對環境冷漠,齊來為地球發聲!」
由地球拯救隊(Earth Rescue Team)主辦、香港家庭教育學院及小海白創作室協辦,與及得到香港美術教育協會、香港資助小學校長會及香港幼稚園協會全力支持的『2015全港學校推廣環保運動之「為地球發聲」創作比賽』頒獎及向環保署遞交綠色願望儀式已於十月三日假灣仔環境資源中心–(環保軒)順利舉行。 我們很高興看見地球拯救隊之宣傳橫額已於港鐵車箱上架,是次宣傳可以令更多學生認識我們舉辦中的『為地球發聲』活動!
(感謝港鐵免費贊助) GNHD is an international educational program from the United States, which is designed to inspire students’ interest in natural science and history outside the classroom and to connect students with their peers around the world. 同學的得獎作品展於太古站內的「港鐵社區畫廊」
「地球拯救隊」今年首次舉辦「為地球發聲」創作比賽,現誠意邀請 貴校參與其中,讓學生投入生命教育、發揮潛能、創意,並激發他們的「環保基因」,令未來社會主人翁及早與地球建立友好關係,也讓老師、家長及學生一同表達愛護地球的訊息,又豈能錯過呢?
為地球發聲 之「一見小海白,環保有辦法」港鐵車廂環保宣傳橫額創作比賽作品展覽
Global Natural History Day 2017
全城參與小海白二十週年慶祝活動 – 為地球發聲 之「一見小海白,環保有辦法」港鐵車廂環保宣傳橫額創作比賽
Global Natural History Day 2016
2015 全港學校推廣環保運動之「為地球發聲」創作比賽頒獎及向環保署遞交綠色願望儀式
Global Natural History Day 2015
「PaperOne™ 創意揮春展 One 情」 創作比賽作品展覽